Wellness & Fullness
Wellness & Fullness are your physical health and stomach capacity, respectively.
Wellness is the HP of your character, representing your ability to keep exploring, fighting, and generally being. In most cases, taking damage will only remove 1 Wellness. Rarely will there be instances of a single thing dealing more than 1 Wellness. Lose all of your Wellness, and you're Incapacitated, unable to do much of anything until something restores your Wellness from 0.
Fullness is your stomach capacity, and your ability to hold food at one time. As you eat, your Fullness will increase depending on the Heartiness of whatever you eat. Eat something with Heartiness that exceeds your Max. Fullness and you acquire the Stuffed Status, with the duration being however much the meal exceeded your Max. Fullness: For example, eating something that brings your Fullness 10 13, exceeding your Max. Fullness of 10, would mean the status would remain for 3 actions.
After the stuffed status is removed, your Fullness resets to 0, and your Size increases by however much you had exceeded your Max. Fullness. Your Max. Fullness also increases by 1.